Bridget Cronin grew up in Liverpool, NY where she received her dance training from Linda Facciponte at the Dance Arts Center and Movement Studies. Through Dance Arts and the American Dance Legacy, Bridget learned and performed the Parsons Etude by David Parsons and the Rainbow ‘Round my Shoulder Etude by Donald McKayle. From 2007 to 2009, Bridget attended New York State Summer School of the Arts: School of Dance and performed works by Paul Taylor, Robert Battle, Carolyn Adams, Danny Grossman, Jessica Lang, and Laura Bennett. She graduated cum laude from University of Massachusetts in 2013 with a B.F.A in dance where she performed works by Merce Cunningham, Ohad Naharin, Camille A. Brown, Monica Bill Barnes, and Janis Brenner. Bridget was awarded the Mae Banner Award at the NYSSSA School of Dance for commitment to dance scholarship and was a Chancellor’s Talent Award recipient at UMass Amherst. Bridget performs with New York based companies: Mazzini Dance Collective, Reject Dance Theater and Ballaro Dance. She is a freelance performer and choreographer living in Astoria, Queens.